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You're the Love Letter

From: Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ, and a brother of James. To: Christians everywhere---beloved of God and chosen by Him. May you be given more and more of God’s kindness, peace, and love. (Jude 1:1-2 TLB).

Written through the love of a humble servant of Jesus Christ. Jude was Jesus’s and James's half-brother, but he did not place himself at the same level as Jesus by identifying his earthly relationship with Christ; yet he chose to identify as a servant and the brother of a servant. 

In our day and age, the true meaning of servant can easily slip past us. The Greek word servant means ‘slave’, voluntary or involuntary. Some enslaved people were indentured by choice, others were taken by force, and yet others were born into slavery. Jude appears to have become a ‘slave to Christ.’ Like Jude, you and I qualify for all three categories of slavery: first, we are taken by force from the kingdom of hell; second, we voluntarily accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Third, we are born into captivity by ‘Being born-again.’

Like Jude, we had to believe that Jesus was the Christ and accept Him as Lord and Savior. But Jude took it to the highest level, the level of being the least, a servant for others in Christ. Beloved of God and chosen by Him. ‘Beloved’ means sanctified by God and made Holy, and once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you're chosen by God.

And here is a very special prayer that Jude prayed just for you and all the Saints of eternity. The prayer does not yield to time; it is perpetual for posterity: “May you be given more and more of God’s kindness, peace, and love.”

More and more, God wants to keep pouring out His Love and Kindness and give you peace more than you can imagine. Please take a moment to ask Jesus, ‘Lord, will you please bless me today?’ His answer is always “yes.” He wants to bless you more and more; be willing to receive. Look for the blessing and be thankful. On occasions, the blessings may not look like a blessing at that exact moment, but if you look deep enough and are patient enough, you will find where God may have used a flat tire to bless someone who stopped to help you. You may speak a kind word that helps someone get through their day or offer a lifesaving prayer.

Eventually, you will be the reflection of God’s kindness, peace, and love more and more.

He is Adonai

Lord, Master, Owner



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