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Farming Done Right November 6

Hosea 10:12

Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will reap a crop of my love; plow the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and shower salvation upon you.

The Living Bible

I think farmers have unique insight into scriptures like this, the knowledge of what good seed is, and how hard it can be to plow some types of ground. But what are the good seeds of righteousness?

Righteousness is simply this, The state of acceptance with God.

Romans 5:21

… even so, might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

When you decided to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you planted seeds of righteousness. To do this, you first had to plow through the hard ground of your heart, removing seeds of unforgiveness, bitterness, and sin.

When you read this verse in Hosea, it almost seems as though it was written in reverse, but the seed you have already received has been the testimonies or the words that God had dropped into your life long before you accepted Him as your savior. Words people spoke to you that caught your attention and made you think about eternal life.

A shower of salvation, doesn’t that sound refreshing?

He is: El Yeshuati

The God of My Salvation



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