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Happy Father's Day September 27

Psalm 103:13

He is like a father to us, tender and sympathetic to those who reverence him.

Webster's dictionary defines the word 'Reverence' as, Profound respect mingled with love and awe; as for a Holy being…

God loves us; in fact, you can't out love God. As much love as you can muster, He still loves you more. He's a Father to us, loving and compassionate. Tender means to take care of any person or thing, and sympathetic has an enormous meaning, but I believe He means to suffer in our pains.

Psalm 103 describes several attributes to Father God, and the Psalmist calls these "His Benefits" Here are some of God's Benefits listed in:

Psalm 103:

He forgives all our iniquities, He heals our diseases, He redeems our life, He crowns us with Loving-kindness & tender mercies. He satisfies your mouth with good things, He renews your youth like that of an eagle, He executes righteous judgment for the oppressed, He's slow to anger, He casts our sins as far as the east is from the west, He remembers where we came from and where we are going.

It pays to Love your Father.

He is: ABBA



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