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The Principle of Two September 20

Luke 3:11

If you have two coats, he replied, give one to the poor. If you have extra food, give it away to those who are hungry.

In the preceding verse, the people asked John the Baptist, “What shall we do then?” And verse 11 was his answer. The principle of two is two definitions of one answer.

If you continue to read this chapter, you will notice he took one answer and gave two more definitions. The publicans asked, “Master, what shall we do?” the answer, “Take no more than that which was appointed you.” The soldiers asked, “What shall we do?” the answer, “Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages.”

How is it that each group received different answers? Three different types of people, three types of sins. The Tax collectors took more than they should; the soldiers were brutal and never content with their wages. And the people needed to be more benevolent.

Do you remember the rich young ruler who came to Jesus and said,

Luke 18-18

What must I do to inherit eternal life? He told Jesus he had kept all the commandments; Jesus said, you lack treasure in heaven give away everything and come follow Me.

Like the rich young ruler, the first group had issues with being self-centered, placing their faith in wealth rather than God.

In modern-day terms, when you get new clothes, take the time to sort out your old ones and donate them, and make an offering to your local food banks.

But here is the principle of two, my son Theo was reading his bible one day, when he read this verse (Luke 3:11), the Lord spoke to him and told him these words:

“The Principle of Two, for every dollar you give in the offering, you must match dollar for dollar to your savings.”

The Lord doesn’t want us broke or destitute. He wants us debt-free so that we can give abundantly.

He is: Jehova-Jireh

My Provider


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