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Thought Catcher August 13

II Corinthians 10:3-5

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds:)

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

Have you ever been so upset with the devil that you wanted to challenge him to a fistfight? Yeah, that’s probably not the wisest idea, and if you do, that will cause him to laugh.

One night as I was sleeping, I heard a voice tell me that I was a liar. It was audible and clear; I thought, “Wait a minute! I’m not a liar!” I woke myself, and next to my bed was a demon, faceless and clothed like an angel. I was so tired I threw this weak punch at it and fell back into my pillow. Obviously, the attempted punch did nothing.

But there was another instance where I woke up, and I tried to say “Jesus!” but I was so scared all I could get out was “Je, Je, Je.” The fear was so intense I couldn’t speak, but I saw the demon take off, knowing that I was trying to say the name of Jesus. Suddenly Judy woke up and yelled with authority: “JESUS!” and the demon was gone so fast it turned into a blur.

The name of Jesus is the weapon, and in the spirit realm, it’s a nuclear weapon, and when you use the name of Jesus, those are easy fights in the spirit. The most challenging battles are in your mind. The enemy knows how to place thoughts, usually things from the past, little things that upset you in your mind.

The weapon for this fight is captivity, capture this thought and cast it out. I find the best way is the immediate way. As soon as you get a terrible thought, cast it down. I might add that’s easier said than done. The enemy is very subtle. Once you recognize where this thought is coming from, replace it with scripture, or sing praise God, think on good things, believe in Jesus. “If you want to be good, think good.” Think on His name.

He is: Sar-Shalom

Prince of Peace


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