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Blessing’s November 17

Numbers 23:19-20

God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make good? Behold I have received a command to Bless, He has Blessed and I cannot reverse it.

A prophesied Blessing was given to the children of Israel, but it has come in a very unusual way. The king of Moab, Balak, had hired Balaam a false prophet to curse Israel. But God, through Balaam, ended up Blessing Israel instead.

At times, it can be challenging to see what God is doing on our behalf. This Blessing took place in the mountains above the encampments of Israel, where Moses had positioned the Hebrews in a very orderly fashion designed by God. Each of the twelve tribes of Israel were placed in designated places. King Balak had set himself on top of a mountain called "The field of Zophim," which means "the field of watchers."

Moses and the Israelites had no clue this meeting was taking place, high above their position, their battle formation, their place of habitation. When King Balak and Balaam looked down from "the field of watchers," what did they see? Thousands of tents with more than two million people in the formation of a cross.

They tried to pronounce a curse on the cross, but the cross brought the Blessing, which is forever. When you feel as though you are down in the desert, remember the Blessing of the cross. When the enemy tries to tell you how defeated you are, remember all the devil can see is the cross.

He is: El Elyon

Most High God


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