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Labels February 20

Revelation 9:21

Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

I know that this verse relates to the last days, many believe that we are well into the very last days. This verse explains what people are doing and the refusal to change. Let’s take a look at a brief definition of some of these words from the original Greek, Sorceries: Pharmakeia, medication (this is where we get the term pharmacy from, drug use) sorcery, witchcraft. Fornication: Poneia, harlotry (including adultery, incest,) idolatry

Here is the definition of the word, Label, a name or a title, and affixed to a thing, it describes clothing. Labels that are attached to others and to even some of us in the past. How do you remove a label? On a jacket, I guess you could just cut it off, but what about when it’s stuck to your reputation? Mathew 9:16-17No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put into fill it up taketh from the garment and the rent is made worse.

Jesus knows how to remove old labels, He doesn’t just rip the tag off, He gives you a whole new coat! What He is talking about is forgiving your sins so that you can receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, He cleans your reputation from the inside label out, but changing is your choice

People don’t believe it is that easy, they feel that they can never be forgiven for the sins of their past, even Christians. Not forgiving yourself can be a very tormenting sin. Forgive yourself, repent while there is still time, for today is the day of your salvation.

He is: Jehova Tzidkenu

The Lord Our Righteousness


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