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Ready to Forgive May 14

Colossians 3:13 Put up with each other, and forgive anyone who does you wrong, just as Christ has forgiven you.

Having a choice is such a great thing, but notice there is no choice for forgiveness. We seem to think that Jesus will understand why we didn’t forgive so & so. The sin of unforgiveness is a weight that so easily entangles us, like a bird in the fowler’s net. A few times over the years, I have had people say something like: ‘I’ll forgive them just as soon as they apologize.’ I prayed with someone the other day, the Holy Spirit said, “First comes forgiveness, then the apology.”

This person has flown into the fowler’s trap of unforgiveness. A plan set up by the enemy to snare them. Why? Once I had two ladies pull up to me at Prayer Stop. The driver had terrible allergies, her mouth, ears, and eyes itched all the time, and she said it had started within the last year.

She had to carry a handkerchief to wipe her eyes because They watered and teared up all the time due to the itching. The Holy Spirit told me, “Ingested Nightmares.” So, I asked her if she had changed her diet? She said: “No, all that’s been checked, they did an allergy test and couldn’t

find anything wrong.” I asked: “How do you sleep? Do you have nightmares?” She said: “No, I sleep great!”

Then I told her what the Holy Spirit told me, and it made no sense to either of us. At this moment, I saw the Holy Spirit standing by a bolder. He reached down and, with His hand, flipped it over. I knew this meant to dig a little deeper, then it hit me, so I asked: “Did you pick up somebody

else’s offense?” She burst into tears and confessed that someone had wronged her mother. The passenger was aggressively nodding her head up and down. I told because she had seen the offense

with her eyes, and heard it with her ears, and had spoken against them with her mouth, she was having these problems. I prayed a prayer of forgiveness with her, and she forgave them.

It turned out that the passenger was deaf, so I prayed with her too, and she screamed out, “I CAN HEAR HIM!” They left happy.

...and forgive anyone who does you wrong, just as Christ has forgiven you.

I know better than most about having to forgive people, it’s hard sometimes, and sometimes it can take days to put my selfish pride down, but I do, and so should you, but please take my advice and do it now.

He is: Elohay Selichot

The God Who is Ready to Forgive


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