Please Prepare for Tomorrow March 28
Exodus 32:31-33
Then Moses returned to the LORD and said, “Oh, these people have committed a great sin, and have made for themselves a god of gold!
Yet now, if You will forgive their sin-but if not, I pray, blot me out of Your book which you have written.”
And the LORD said to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book.”
While Moses was on Mount Sinai the people made a golden calf and called it god. Moses told everyone that was on the Lord’s side to come to him, and then he had the priests go and kill everyone that didn’t cross the line, about three thousand men. It’s one way to get sin out of your camp.
But then Moses approaches YAHUAH (God) and confesses the sins for his people, asking YAHUAH for His forgiveness. Some put the estimate at about 2 million people that came out of Egypt. Now Moses is realizing the magnitude of their transgressions. He stands in the gap and asks YAHUAH to take his life for the people and then to remove his name from the Lambs Book of Life.
I have read this history lesson many times over the years and one day it hit me. The humility and love that Moses had for his people. He was willing as a leader to be a sacrifice, to save a nation. When this astonishment impacted me, I went to my knees before the Lord and I said, “God, Moses is a far greater man than me! I’m not willing to go to hell for anybody!” I was being very sincere, I was astonished, then the Holy Spirit came and just loved me, I’ve never known why I felt His presence like that until just now, I believe He just said, “It was your sincerity.”
God will not ask us to be accountable for another person’s sins. But He will hold us accountable for our sins. In the book of Leviticus there was an offering for unintentional sins, but no offering for intentional sins. If you play the Grace card too much in belief that you can be forgiven for your intentional sin after you have become a Born-Again Christian, one day you will flip that card only to see a joker, you’ve been fooled.
He is: Elohay Selichot
The God Who is Ready to Forgive