Why go to Church? February 10
Hebrews 10:24-25
And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Over the years I have run across many people that think that they really don’t need to go to church. But this verse clearly states that you should attend a church. A church body should be a place of encouragement and exhortation a place that encourages members to do the works for God.
I remember a letter that was sent to an editor of a newspaper by a man that said:
He could see no reason for going to church anymore and that after 20 plus years he couldn’t see where it had helped him? He couldn’t remember all the sermons and thought it was pointless to continue on.
But someone took the time to reply, the man replying wrote something like: He had been married for over twenty years, he couldn’t remember every meal his wife had cooked for him. But he knew had eaten them, and that they had nourished him and sustained him long enough to get to the next meal.
This is what your pastor does for you, he prepares a sermon and then feeds you the Word of God so that you can be prepared for what the world throws at you. I’m sure the sermons will sustain you, nourish you, encourage you enough to continue on in your pilgrimage. In turn, maybe you will be able to encourage others, lay hands on the sick and watch them recover, comfort those who mourn, or be the Peace Maker.
If you are not part of a church body, ask Jesus where you can go to help encourage others, your gifts are needed too.
He is: Shub Nephesh
Renewer of Life