Our Lord Who Sanctifies January 9
Psalm 34: 1 & 7
I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.
Years ago, I was driving along just singing praise songs to our God really enjoying the fellowship. Then I had this thought, “It’s okay to say, Thank you to your angels as long as you don’t praise them.” I meditated about it for a second and simply said “Thank you” to my guardian Angel that watched over me. Then suddenly I realized, and exclaimed out loud “Oh my God! You see me in all my sin!” I didn’t just to cry, I bawled.
Then I heard my Angel’s audible voice and he said: “I only ever see you in your righteousness.”
The Lord allowed him to deliver me from my sorrows that day & he did a good job. It is hard for us to understand that Angels only see us in our righteousness, how is that possible? Because the blood of Jesus conceals our sin.
He is: Jehovah M’Kaddish
Lord Who Sanctifies