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Your Day in Court September 28

Ecclesiastes 8:11

Because God does not punish sinners instantly, people feel it is safe to do wrong.

Does this verse relate to what’s going on in the world today? It seems as though people have no regard for God or man, no fear of judgment.

I have heard people say this: “If you don’t get caught, it’s not a crime.” But, the truth is this, even if you get caught and paid the maximum penalty of human law, you will stand in judgment before God, and if you’re not caught, you will stand in judgment before God.

Ecclesiastes 8:13

...their days shall pass away as quickly as shadows because they don’t fear God.

Their days will end, and when their life is over, it will seem as though it were only five minutes long. People who don’t fear God can easily commit a crime, white-collar or blue-collar, with a pen or gun.

When a crime goes unpunished, it encourages the criminal to do more. The Broken Window Theory has been around for some time. In the housing projects, a window gets broken, and the management would not repair it because the apartment was empty or something. The attitude was that they would break it again, and the consequence was that more broken windows, entire apartment complexes with broken windows. It turns out that if the repairs were done quickly, fewer windows would get broken.

So many of these individuals are like broken windows. When you look through the opening, all you see is darkness, an inner abyss of hopelessness. I pity their souls.

He is: Akal Esh

Consuming Fire


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