Great Pleasure August 23
Psalm 37:4-5
Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass.
I love this verse, it’s a promise from Father God to you. It’s your first instruction, your potential, your future. How do you delight yourself in the Lord?
Fascinating choice of words by the psalmist, King David.
Delight in this instance comes from a Greek word called: katatrechō it means to run down from a tower, to hasten, to move quickly, then going into the root word, it translates into delight, which in this case is a verb giving it the meaning of action required on your part, and that part is: Please someone Greatly. From there, it turns into a noun which changes its meaning into A great pleasure.
Sometimes we have to humble ourselves and come down from our ivory tower as fast as we can, running as if we see the King approaching from afar off, whom we love so much. This action of humility is a verb, which brings us to the noun: A great pleasure in the Lord.
When we do our part, extraordinary things begin to happen, your desires change, and God gives them to you. When I was young, I used to want to own a bar, and now I want to be a pastor. I wanted to go to Ireland, and now I want to go to Israel. These desires come from Jesus placed in your heart by the Holy Spirit.
When we commit our ways to the Lord, He gives you the desires of your heart, and He will bring it to pass so that your delight becomes a noun, your great pleasure.
What a wonderful God we serve!
He is: El-HaNe’eman
The God Who is Faithful