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First Love February 4

1 John 4:19

We love him, because he first loved us.

This is one of my favorite verses in the bible, not because it’s short and easy to remember. But because it speaks of the goodness of God, that He loved us before we knew Him.

One day while at Prayer Stop a Muslim man came up to me and said, “What is this Prayer Stop?” I wish I could type in the beautiful accent he spoke with. I explained that I prayed to Jesus and Jesus answers the prayers. Then he mentioned something that most Muslims think, “I love God, but I don’t know if He loves me? I hope He does.”

In my mind I went straight to this verse but did not say it. I said “Do you have children?” His response was “yes,” “and do you love them?” again, he said “yes,” I said “When your children were born you loved them didn’t you? It was automatic but your child had to learn to Love you, it’s the same way with God He Loves you because you’re his child and we learn to Love Him because He’s our Father.”

Needless to say, he was incredibly happy when he walked off and I could see that he was thinking. Love is what wins’ souls, I know His Love won mine.

Please never underestimate the power of a seed sown.

He is:Elohim Ahavah

The God Who Loves


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